Jammu police thwart three bovine smuggling attempts in Nagrota; rescue 10 animals

Jammu Police successfully thwarted three attempts of bovine smuggling in the Nagrota Sub-Division. This action comes amidst their ongoing operation “Kamadhenu” aimed at curbing the illegal cattle trade.

The Police Station in Nagrota played a key role in these interceptions. Police officers managed to rescue eight bovines and seize two Tata Mobile vehicles. One vehicle (JK11C/0590) was being driven by Sahil Ahmed Chechi, who was apprehended by the police. The driver of the other vehicle (JK14E/4672) managed to escape.

Meanwhile, Manwal Police foiled another smuggling attempt involving two bovines being transported on foot. The smuggler absconded during the police action.

In the wake of these incidents, three FIRs (First Information Reports) have been registered at the respective police stations. The Jammu Police have been intensifying their efforts to curb bovine smuggling, and this recent operation reflects their commitment to dismantling these illegal activities.