5 agreements that will make your marriage strong

To make your marriage strong, start following 5 agreements:

Take Time Outs:

When things get too heated in conflict, we have agreed to take a step back and give each other space. We promise to return to the conversation once we have calmed down and can communicate more effectively. This agreement allows us to avoid saying hurtful things in the heat of the moment and promotes healthier conflict resolution.

We have each other’s back publicly and privately: We have made a pact to never speak poorly of each other, especially to others, including our children. We believe that maintaining respect and admiration for one another is crucial for a strong and loving partnership. By speaking positively about each other, we create a supportive and uplifting environment for our family.

Take Responsibility for Triggers:

We both acknowledge that we have triggers that can affect our emotions and reactions. Instead of blaming each other, we commit to taking care of ourselves when we’re triggered in a way that benefits our relationship. This agreement helps us navigate through difficult moments with empathy and understanding.

Embrace Imperfections:

We accept that we are not perfect and that we both have faults. We have vowed to never shame or criticize each other for our imperfections. Instead, we choose to embrace and support each other’s growth. This agreement fosters a culture of acceptance and allows us to grow together as individuals and as a couple.

We share our truth (even when it’s hard or scary) We have agreed to share our thoughts and feelings respectfully and clearly, even if we think it may upset the other person. It’s incredibly important NOT to withhold your truth from your partner just because you think it will make them upset. Allowing your partner to have their authentic reaction and feelings is a huge part of relational health.