Traffic Police Rajouri- Poonch launch special drive against overloading 

RAJOURI, JUNE 21: A special drive was launched today against overloading of vehicles by Traffic Police in Rajouri and Poonch Districts.    

  All the DTIs and SOs of Traffic Police Rajouri-Poonch laid surprise nakas at different routes coming from Rural areas and checked the Passenger Buses, Mini Buses and other PSVs coming towards Rajouri and Poonch town areas. The exercise has been done to check the traffic norms violation in far flung areas and to ensure safety of passengers of these areas. It has been observed that drivers of PSVs overload their vehicles during morning and evening time.

During the checking, 127 vehicles were challaned for overloading across Rajouri-Poonch and 04 vehicles were seized on the spot. The teams of Traffic Police Rajouri-Poonch issued 243 Challans against violators under different categories of Motor Vehicle Act.

The exercise was conducted under the close supervision of  Nawaz Ahmed, Dy.SP Traffic Rajouri Poonch and overall supervision of   Vinay Kumar, SSP Traffic Rural Jammu.

The Traffic Police Rajouri-Poonch also appealed to the general public and student community in particular not to travel in the Buses, Mini Buses and other means of Transport, which are carrying passengers beyond the permissible seating capacity. 

It is pertinent to mention that traffic Police have focused at large on visible offences. During the current year Traffic Police Rajouri-Poonch have seized as many as 758 vehicles and challaned 3589 vehicles for overloading, 187 for over-speeding, 8644 for not wearing Crash helmets, 1432 for not wearing Seat belts and 6338 for wrong parking.

Moreover, all the challaning officers of Traffic Police Rajouri-Poonch have warned drivers of PSVs and other stakeholders not to indulge in overloading and over speeding of vehicles and put innocent public in danger. Any such violation shall be dealt strictly under law.