Special Lok-Adalat on Cheque Bounce (138 NI Act) cases held at Sgr, B’gam, Spn & Kup

SRINAGAR, FEBRUARY 17: As per plan of action/ Lok-Adalat calendar for the year, 2024, issued by J&K Legal Services Authority, the District Legal Services Authorities (DLSAs) of Srinagar, Budgam, Shopian and Kupwara districts of Kashmir Saturday conducted Special Lok-Adalat on Cheque Bounce (138 NI Act) Cases.

The Special Lok Adalats were held under the able directions of Justice N. Kotiswar Singh, Chief Justice of the High Court of J&K and Ladakh (Patron in Chief), J&K Legal Services Authority and Justice Tashi Rabstan, Executive Chairman, J&K Legal Services Authority.

The primary objective of the said Special Lok Adalat was to provide a platform for amicable resolution of cheque bounce disputes, aiming to reduce the burden on the regular court system and streamline the justice delivery process.

At Srinagar, the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) Srinagar today organized a Special Lok Adalat for the amicable settlement of Cheque Bounce (138 NI Act) Cases,  at the District Court Complex Mominabad Srinagar.

The Lok Adalat was held, under the direction of Amit Kumar Gupta, Member Secretary, J&K Legal Services Authority, and under the direction and supervision of Jawad Ahmed, Chairman of the District Legal Services Authority (Pr. District & Sessions Judge) Srinagar.

Four (4) benches were constituted for the said Lok-Adalat for the amicable settlement of Cheque Bounce (138 NI Act) Cases.

Overall 39 cases were taken up for settlement, out of which 7 cases were amicably settled and Rs. 62,44,000 was awarded as settlement amount in Criminal Compoundable Cases.

At Budgam, the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) Budgam today organized a special Lok Adalat at the District Court Complex Budgam.

Under the insightful directions of Chairman DLSA Budgam, Khalil Ahmad Chowdhary, Special Lok Adalat on Cheque Bounce cases was organized today in District Court Complex Budgam and Taluka Courts of District Budgam.

Each Court had identified cases for  the said Lok Adalat beforehand and same were placed before Six (06) different benches constituted by DLSA Budgam for their settlement in Special Lok Adalat.

Total number of 91 matters were taken up for their amicable settlement, out of which 43 were settled. Besides, an amount of Rs 3,13,54,078 was realized in total in the settlement.     

At Shopian, the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) Shopian under the aegis of J&K Legal Services Authority organized a Special Lok Adalat on Cheque Bounce Cases.

The said Special Lok Adalat was organized under the directions of Riaz- Ul-Haq Mirza, Chairman, DLSA (Principal District & Sessions Judge) Shopian at ADR Centre, District Court Complex Shopian.

A special bench was constituted on the occasion that took up 10 cases or their amicable settlement. Out of which 02 cases were settled, with a settled amount of Rs 5, 50,000.

At Kupwara, the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) Kupwara under the aegis of J&K Legal Services Authority organized a Special Lok Adalat on Cheque Bounce Cases.

The Lok Adalat was held under the supervision of Chairman, DLSA, (Pr. District & Session Judge) Kupwara, Shazia Tabasum and guidance of Secretary, DLSA Kupwara, Manzoor Ahmad Khan.

A total of Four (04) benches were constituted for the said Lok Adalat consisting of Presiding Officers and other members for the amicable settlement/ compromise of the referred cases.

First bench was constituted at Court Complex Handwara, second bench at District Court Complex, Kupwara, similarly third bench was constituted at Court Complex, Sogam while fourth bench was constituted at Court Complex Tangdhar.

A total of 09 cases were taken up in all the benches during the Special Lok Adalat, of which 05 cases were settled on the spot by intervention of the benches and by participation of the lawyers and litigants, and an amount of Rs.1970500 was awarded as settlement amount.

AT BARAMULLA, the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) Baramulla, held a Lok Adalat under the Chairmanship of Iqbal Ahmad Akhoon, Special Mobile Magistrate Baramulla and Adv. Ruqiya Fayaz Assistant Legal Aid Defense Counsel as its member.

The Lok Adalat, consisting of a single bench, diligently heard over a total of 45 cases, exhibiting a commitment to justice and facilitated amicable resolutions to 18 of these cases.

A sum total Rs. 1,53,77,000 was realized through the amicable settlements achieved in the cases overseen by the Lok Adalat.

Complainants and participants expressed their gratitude and appreciation towards the District Legal Services Authority Baramulla for setting up Special Lok Adalat which led to the settlement of long impending cases.