Only NC can rescue J&K out of present mess: Babu Rampaul

NC holds potential to fulfil aspirations of all sections of society: Former Minister Rampaul

Jammu:19-12-22: Former Minister and President of National Conference Central Zone (Jammu, Samba & Kathua), Babu Rampaul, who was chief Guest of the occasion said that youth holds the key to development of Jammu & Kashmir and urged them to come together and support NC in the forthcoming Municipal elections as it was the only political party which holds potential to full aspirations of all sections of society.

The public meeting was organized by Dr Vikas Sharma Secretary Central Zone and Coordinator Jammu District (Urban) at Bahu Fort area which was attended by hundreds of people.

Addressing a largely attended public meeting at Bahu Fort, Rampaul said, “J&K is suffering on various accounts due to the unnecessary experimentation and wrong policies of Centre and especially, the youth are the worst victims. Inflation has reached upto a critical level and it is difficult for common man to survive in this time. It is time now for youth to come forward in big numbers and embrace the ideology of the National Conference for betterment of their present and future.”

“NC leadership never discriminated against any section of the society and maintained balanced development of both the regions. But with the obliteration of statehood and downgrading J&K to the level of Union Territory, the suffering of the people multiplied with the public facing the wrath of inflation and high prices of daily use. The business community, small traders and commoners are all suffering due to policy paralysis and deep rooted corruption at all levels. Their sufferings can only be redressed by restoring statehood to J&K,” he asserted.

Former minister said that NC was the only political party which has worked for all sections of society and people of J&K have pinned high hopes on it. He urged youth to come forward and support Dr. Farooq Abdullah and Jenab Omar Abdullah in the forthcoming elections.

Also addressing, Zonal Secretary JKNC, Dr. Vikas Sharma stated that unemployment has reached its pinnacle under the present dispensation. “Youth is under depression due to large scale corruption in the recruitment processes and have no avenues for jobs. It is a very discouraging situation whereas during the NC regime, youth got a maximum number of jobs and education was also affordable but now, the situation is totally different,” he said.

He gave a call to youth of the region to come out of their comfort zones and launch a struggle for their rights under the banner of the National Conference. 

Dr Vikas added that only NC could take out J&K out of this mess and asked the people to wholeheartedly support the NC leadership.

Those who spoke in the meeting include, BD Dalhotra, Bahadur lal, Manhor Lal, Manhor Sagotra, Ramesh Chander, Sagar Dalhotra, Gurab Sagotra, Anurag Sagotra and others.