Nowshera Forest Division conducts plantation drive to commemorate Guru Ravi Dass Jayanti

RAJOURI, February 24: Nowshera Forest Division, marked the auspicious occasion of Guru Ravi Dass Jayanti with a grand plantation drive  at Guru Ravi Dass Temple Thandapani Sunderbani Forest Range. 

The initiative taken by the dedicated team led by Rangeel Singh, Block Forest Officer, witnessed enthusiastic participation from the staff members,  under the meticulous supervision of Sandeep Kumar, Conservator of Forests, West Circle Rajouri.

The event was graced by the  presence of Shweta Deonia, Divisional Forest Officer  Nowshera, and Dr. Rakesh Verma, Range Forest Officer Sunderbani. Their guidance and support added immense value to the endeavour, fostering a spirit of environmental consciousness and community participation.

The plantation drive symbolized a collective effort towards fostering environmental sustainability and preserving the rich biodiversity of the region. Participants zealously planted a variety of saplings, contributing to the greening of the surroundings and enhancing the ecological balance.

Speaking on the occasion, Rangeel Singh, Block Forest Officer, expressed gratitude towards all the participants for their enthusiastic involvement and emphasized the importance of such initiatives in promoting environmental stewardship.

Sandeep Kumar, Conservator of Forests, West Circle Rajouri, commended the collaborative spirit demonstrated by the team and reiterated the significance of collective action in achieving environmental conservation goals.

 Shweta Deonia, Divisional Forest Officer Nowshera, highlighted the holistic approach adopted by the Nowshera Forest Division in addressing environmental challenges and underscored the need for sustained efforts in this direction.

Dr. Rakesh Verma, Range Forest Officer  Sunderbani, stressed the role of community engagement in safeguarding natural resources and encouraged continued participation in similar initiatives.

The plantation drive not only served as a tribute to Guru Ravi Dass but also reaffirmed the commitment of Nowshera Forest Division towards nurturing a greener, healthier planet for future generations.