Narco terrorism is more dangerous than terrorism: Bhalla

Says BJP govt has failed India’s youth and is now stuck fighting them

JAMMU, June 19:- The wave of youth euphoria that BJP rode since 2014 appears to be ebbing. Nine years into the Modi government, India’s youth appears disappointed and frustrated, The ruling Government at the Centre has attained expertise in making big claims but on ground its performance is dismal with people suffering on all counts as civic edifice, healthcare, education, employment, tourism, businesses are all passing through an abysmal phase.This was stated by JKPCC Working President Raman Bhalla while interacting with Bahu Fort Mohalla Manhas Ghar Youth President , Dewan Chand besides hundreds of youth from the area who visited former Minister’s residence to project youth’s burning issues under BJP Govt.

Bhalla said that unemployment is a major problem in J&K-UT. According to a 2022 report by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), the unemployment rate in J&K-UT was 17.5%, which is much higher than the national average of 7.5%. The unemployment rate is even higher among youth, with 25.5% of young people in J&K-UT unemployed.Bhalla said that there are a number of reasons for the high unemployment rate in J&K-UT. One reason is the long-running conflict in the region, which has led to economic stagnation and a decline in investment. Another reason is the lack of educational opportunities in J&K-UT. The quality of education in the region is poor, and many young people do not have the skills necessary to find jobs.

Bhalla said  high unemployment rate has a number of negative consequences for J&K-UT. It leads to poverty, crime, and social unrest. It also discourages young people from staying in the region, which leads to a brain drain.He said pessimism, even hopelessness, is growing among the young. New jobs aren’t available. And while all jobs are important and dignified, let’s face it: Not every young person studying in a college is looking forward to delivering for Swiggy or Zomato or driving an Ola or Uber.That isn’t what BJP had promised them. Their aspirations and needs are clear and present, and not being fulfilled.

Bhalla further said that after importing bloodshed in J&K through proxy-war, Pakistan is now spoiling younger generation of the State through Narco terrorism. He cautioned that Narco terrorism is more dangerous than proxy-war.He said that during the last one decade Pakistan authorities were indulged into importing drugs in J&K in general and Jammu region to particular to spoil the new generation. “Targetting Jammu region through narco terrorism is a biggest gameplan of Pakistan”, he said and pointed out that border areas have been especially targeted by the Pakistan’s ISI agency to accomplish their nefarious designs. He sought support of the residents of border belts to take this fight to the logical conclusion to save the younger generation.

Elaborating that drug abuse is not only a menace but part of the nefarious designs to spoil younger generation.  “Every day we are getting shocking information about deaths of youth from different parts of Jammu region”, he said and disclosed that helpless parents are approaching me to save their wards from this menace.He said police is odiously working to eradicate this menace. He called youth not to fall in trap of drug abuse and working for nation building.

Bhalla said that the people of the country have made a big mistake by voting to power the BJP and the need of the time is to root it out as soon as possible and install Congress Government to ensure good governance in the country. He said that as of today unemployment is at peak in J&K which is evident from the fact that J&K has the highest unemployment in the country.Bhalla said that the people of J&K are fed-up of series of lies and false promises made by the BJP leadership in the Union Territory. He asserted that the people of the country are struggling with rising inflation and the youth are finding it difficult to get jobs. The Prime Minister is not even talking about the problems being faced by farmers and workers, he added.

Bhalla said the present government has miserably failed to ensure delivery of basic amenities like availability of ration, frequent supply of power and water & unemployment besides affected people and the farmers. He said rising fuel prices and inflation have made life difficult for the common citizens.He said that the BJP led Government in the Centre has no concrete policy for the youth of the country. He said that the Central Government has miserably failed to provide 2 crore jobs to the youth of the country since 2014. He said the woes and miseries of the common man today are attributed to the wrong policies of the BJP Government at the Centre.

Bhalla said that people of J&K have now realized that achievements made during the Congress rule had made all sections of society to live peacefully and comfortably at the same time the mis-governance and wrong policies of the BJP Government at the Centre has brought enough miseries to the common people of this nation.He  asked people to strengthen the hands of Congress leadership as only the Congress can fulfil the aspiration of people of Jammu and Kashmir. He described Congress Party as strong and vibrant in J&K, capable enough to defeat anti-people forces in the country.