Municipal Council Kishtwar appeals public to adopt proper waste dumping protocol for maintaining cleanliness

KISHTWAR, June 20: The Municipal Council Kishtwar is urgently requesting the residents and shopkeepers of all Municipal Wards to adopt a responsible waste dumping protocol.

The unbridled and improper disposal of waste, including bottles, diapers, and plastics, into drains leds to severe choking and water overflow during heavy rainfall, causing significant inconvenience and environmental hazards.

Besides, the authorities have noticed a recurring issue where people in the township and its adjoining areas are disposing of various types of waste in an irresponsible manner. It is a common sight to find household waste, debris from construction sites, old clothes, blankets, and even deceased let animals such as dogs, cats being dumped into drains.

This indiscriminate dumping has led to severe drain choking, causing significant challenges for the authorities to manage.

Moreover, in certain wards, the presence of open latrine outlets has been observed, further compounding the sanitation problems in the area.

In light of these concerns, the authorities are urging residents to be more mindful of their waste disposal practices. Proper waste management and responsible disposal are essential to maintain clean and functioning drains, ensuring the overall cleanliness and hygiene of the township and its surroundings.

The cooperation and active participation of residents, along with the strict enforcement of waste disposal regulations, are crucial in addressing these issues effectively. The authorities will continue to work towards creating awareness, organizing campaigns, and implementing necessary measures to curb improper waste disposal practices and promote a healthier and cleaner living environment for all residents.

Despite the continuous efforts of waste collecting vehicles that regularly ferry through the wards to collect waste, the problem persists due to irresponsible waste disposal habits of the residents. This situation is further exacerbated by irresponsible behaviour of visitors, citizens & shopkeepers who contribute to the concern by disposing of waste in open spaces.

To address this critical issue, the Municipal Council urges all residents and shopkeepers to take immediate action. By adopting a responsible waste dumping protocol, such as segregating waste at the source, utilizing designated waste bins, and avoiding the disposal of non-biodegradable materials into drains, we can collectively prevent drain choking and water overflow incidents.

The CEO Municipal Council Kishtwar Ninad Sen  emphasizes the importance of civic responsibility and urges residents to actively participate in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in their respective wards. This will not only preserve the beauty of our city but also contribute to a healthier and more sustainable environment for all.

He appeals to all citizens to spread awareness about this issue and actively participate in waste management initiatives organized by the Municipal Council.

 “Let everyone come together and pledge to be a responsible members of society to create a cleaner and greener Kishtwar.