Multifarious activities continue under ‘Meri Maati, Mera Desh’ at Ganderbal

GANDERBAL, August 10: The day 2nd witnessed multifarious activities under the banner of ‘Meri Maati, Mera Desh’ campaign in 26 Panchayats of District Ganderbal.

DYSSO Ganderbal conducted a series of engaging activities today under the theme ‘Meri Maati, Mera Desh’ and Prabhat Pheri in Zone Kangan of the district.

A spectacular painting competition was held by Zone Kangan at GMS Kangan. The event witnessed the participation of 70 boys and girl students of the Zone.

Adding to the excitement of the day, various schools of the Zone participated in the Rope Skipping competitions showcasing the exceptional talent and athleticism of the young ones of the Zone.

Meanwhile, as per the schedule issued by District Administration Ganderbal regarding ‘Meri Maati, Mera Desh’ campaign, different activities were carried out in which locals and students participated with patriotic passion.

The panchayats remained abuzz with paying tribute to the ‘Veers’ who have made the supreme sacrifices for the country. Spectacular ceremonies were conducted in which all the concerned Panchayat officers along with staff members of various departments expressed their heartfelt gratitude to all the brave hearts (Veers) that have made the supreme sacrifices for our future.

The activities that were carried during the day include Panch Pran Pledge, hoisting the National flag followed by singing of Rashtra Gaan (National Anthem), unveiling of Shilaphalakam on which names of Veers are inscribed, plantation of saplings, singing of patriotic songs and other cultural activities.