Joint Director inspects Changluk Breeding Farm, Stakna

Leh, April 29, 2024: The Joint Director of the Sheep Husbandry Department, UT Ladakh Dr. Iftikhar Hussain visited Changluk Breeding Farm, Stakna, accompanied by District Sheep Husbandry Officer, Dr Tsewang Morup today on April 29.

Dr. Nasreen Fatima, a Veterinary Assistant Surgeon at CBF Stakna, welcomed the Joint Director and proceeded to give a detailed overview of the farm’s Livestock and Fodder section.

The Joint Director inspected and examined livestock strength, feed & fodder scale, production parameters and prophylactic activities at the farm.
He also reviewed various infrastructure work ongoing at the farm and directed farm officers to monitor farm construction work and ensure the timely completion of projects.
The Joint Director also reviewed the fodder production of the Intensive Fodder Development farm and instructed an increase in the fodder production to achieve targets for the financial year.