Govt should take strong action to wipe out Pakistan-sponsored terrorism: Dogra Sadar Sabha

Jammu, Sep 15 (PTI) Expressing concern over terror incidents in Jammu and Kashmir, Dogra Sadar Sabha chief Gulchain Singh Charak on Friday called on the government to take strong, effective and diplomatic measures to wipe out Pakistan-sponsored terrorism.

Sharing a letter by a resident of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK), Charak — a former minister and ex-Congress leader — said people in the occupied territory do not have basic human rights.

“The Government of India should take strong, effective and also diplomatic measures to completely wipe out Pakistan-sponsored terrorism from Kashmir,” he told reporters here.

Charak formed the Dogra Sadar Sabha (DSS) after being suspended from the Congress for anti-party activities in 2015.

He also urged the government to make efforts to reclaim areas of Jammu and Kashmir illegally occupied by Pakistan.