District Poonch promotes tourism in Pir Panjal with thrilling trekking expedition to Tatta Kutti

Trekkers unveil breathtaking beauty of Pir Panjal Valley

POONCH, AUGUST 29: The Poonch Development Authority (PDA) under the guidance of District Development Commissioner, Yasin M. Choudhary, made a significant stride towards promotion of tourism in the awe-inspiring Pir Panjal region by organizing a captivating trekking expedition to Tatta Kutti, today.

Four enthusiastic trekker groups, namely Pir Pranjal Trekker, Suran Valley, Discover Peer Panjal Valley and Pir Panjal Explorer, successfully reached the majestic Tata Kutti Peak, the highest peak in the Pir Panjal region.Equipped with binoculars, the trekkers embarked on their journey with great zeal, ready to immerse themselves in the breathtaking beauty that unfolded before their eyes.

As they trekked through the picturesque landscapes, each more captivating than the last, they were greeted with awe-inspiring vistas that left them spellbound.The local community, deeply appreciative of the efforts made by the district administration and the Poonch Development Authority, wholeheartedly supported this initiative.

They expressed their gratitude for the promotion of tourism in the Pir Panjal region, recognizing the positive impact it would have on their local businesses and livelihoods.Dr. Mohd. Tanveer Khan, the CEO Poonch Development Authority, extended heartfelt thanks to the trekkers for their active participation in the expedition.

He emphasized the pivotal role such adventurous treks play in raising awareness about the captivating beauty of the Pir Panjal region.Dr. Khan expressed optimism that the growing interest in this expedition would attract a significant number of visitors, subsequently boosting the local economy and improving livelihoods.