Director H&H Kashmir reviews progress on Labelling of Handicraft products

SRINAGAR, June 22: The Director Handicrafts & Handlooms Kashmir today took a review meeting to discuss the progress made by the Department on QR code based labelling for the GI & non GI crafts products. 

On this occasion Director was apprised that besides the labelling work being undertaken for the seven GI registered crafts Pashmina, Soni, Kani Shawl, Carpet, Paper Machie, Walnut carving and Khatambund, QR code based labelling of the copperware products has also been started in association with the copper manufacturers union.

The members of copperware association  who were also present in the meeting raised the issue  that the number of products being labelled needs to be increased and promotion of the QR code based labels needs to be increased by the Department to create awareness among the buyers of the handmade copper products. 

Director H&H Kashmir assured the stakeholders that the manpower required for the labelling work would be increased significantly and a promotional campaign for the copperware will also be intensified to create awareness about the QR code based label.

The officials of the Department on the occasion demonstrated the features of the QR code based label to the members of the crewel and chain stitch association. 

The Association, while appreciating the efforts of the Department to promote the authentic handmade products assured full support in the implementation of the QR code based labels for crewel and chain stitch products.

The review meeting was attended by the Deputy Director Trainings and other officers of the Department besides office bearers of TAHAFUZ.