DGP R R Swain to lead Grievance Redressal Program in Doda

Residents of Doda district with concerns regarding police services will have a chance to voice them directly to the Director General of Police, Jammu and Kashmir, R.R. Swain.

The DGP will be holding a public grievance redressal program on Sunday, March 17th, 2024, at 11:00 AM at the District Police Lines in Doda.

This program is part of an ongoing initiative by the DGP to improve police-public relations and ensure prompt resolution of grievances.

During the program, Doda residents can present their concerns related to police services to the DGP himself.

The People’s Grievance Redressal Programme serves as a testament to the ethos of participatory governance espoused by the J&K Police.

By actively involving citizens in the decision-making process and addressing their grievances promptly, the department aims to bolster public trust and promote a safer, more secure environment for all residents.