Deptt of Social Welfare Bandipora organizes programme on Rights of Senior Citizens

BANDIPORA, MARCH 09: The Department of Social Welfare  Bandipora today organized  a day-long event on “Rights of Senior Citizens” at District Drug De-Addiction Centre Bandipora.

The event witnessed participation of  representatives from various departments, educational institutions, and community organizations.

Among the participating entities were the District Hub for Empowerment of Women (DHEW), Sakhi One Stop Centre Bandipora, Senior Citizens Home Bandipora, JKSWM and the District Drug De-Addiction Centre Bandipora.

 Additionally, students from several schools, ICDS Workers, ASHA Workers, Civil Society Members and other stakeholders were actively engaged in the event.

Chairperson District Development Council (DDC) Abdul Gani Bhat  and Vice Chairperson DDC  Kounsar Shafeeq addressed the audience, emphasizing the significance of supporting and protecting the elderly in society.

District Social Welfare Officer Sahir Majeed highlighted various aspects of senior citizens’ rights, while TSWO Bandipora  Akhlaq Hussain underscored the importance of elder welfare institutions. 

Adv. Mudasir Nazir, Counselor DDAC, provided insights into the legal dimensions of senior citizens’ rights, focusing on pertinent laws and regulations.

Moreover  Shabeena Akher, Youth Trainer, delved into the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act 2007, elucidating its provisions and implications.

Jawhar Ahmad, Coordinator, JKSWM, emphasized the necessity of strengthening elder welfare institutions for the well-being of the elderly population.

Addressing critical social issues  Afshana Hassan, Counselor OSC Bandipora, spoke about domestic violence, highlighting its impact on senior citizens.

 As a gesture of appreciation and respect, momentos were distributed among the guests, acknowledging their valuable contributions to the event.

Throughout the event, posters and pamphlets focusing on women empowerment and senior citizens’ rights were disseminated among the participants, enriching their understanding and awareness of these crucial topics.