DDC council meeting held at Dak Banglow khanabal, Anantnag

ANANTNAG, April 27: District Development Commissioner Anantnag Dr Basharat Qayoom today held a meeting with the DDC Council here at Dak banglow Khanabal. 


The Council discussed the capax budget plan of district and formally approved the plan. 

Members of the council while appreciating the work culture and cooperation of the line departments said that being the representatives of the public genuine and public demand works are projected in the works plan and same are executed by the line departments with good sprit.

 In the meeting, it was stated that spillover works to be charged first and the officers whose jurisdiction works lapsed will be served explanation notice.

 The chairman and the members stressed for early estimation of works so that works will be executed in time and no work get lapsed.

 PDD and Jalshakti departments were directed for connecting the habitations still unconnected particularly the rural areas. 


The officers of Jalshakti were directed by the council and DDC to complete the JJM schemes immediately so that they will be commissioned for the public. 

 Dr Basharat Qayoom while speaking on occasion said that district administration commited to support elected members. 

Officers are directed to have cooperation and coordination with the PRIs besides for framing the works plans as proposed by the elected members. He directed the sectoral officers for early completion of the capex and other works besides to check the quality .

 The meeting was attended by DDC chairman , DDC members , DDC Anantnag,ADC Anantnag JDP,BDC chairpersons, BDC members and all other sectoral officers .