DC Udhampur reviews department wise progress of ongoing projects

 UDHAMPUR, June 22: To review the department wise progress of ongoing projects, Deputy Commissioner Udhampur Sachin Kumar Vaishya today chaired a meeting of officers here in Mini Conference Hall DC Office Complex.

 Reviewing the progress of works taken up under PMGSY, PWD, Jal Shakti, JPDCL, the DC noted that the timelines fixed for completion of works have not been adhered to. He asked the concerned departments to put in extra efforts to complete the projects.

The officers were further directed to initiate the process of cancellation of contracts and black listing of defaulting contractors.

The DDC impressed upon the officers to work with zeal and dedication to achieve the set targets set for the current financial year and also stressed on close monitoring of ongoing works to ensure quality and adherence to timelines.

 Among others, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Joginder Singh Jasrotia, Chief Planning Officer, Mudassir Yaqoob Zargar and other officers besides contractors were present on the occasion.