DC finalizes arrangements for Independence Day, 2023 celebrations at Bandipora

Participate in ‘Meri Maati Mera Desh’, ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ with Zeal: DC urges People, Officers

BANDIPORA, August 10: The Deputy Commissioner (DC) Bandipora, Dr. Owais Ahmad Thursday convened a meeting here to finalize the arrangements for ensuing Independence Day celebrations in the district.

The meeting held threadbare discussions on arrangements to be put in place at the venue for the National function, including security, seating, transportation, parking, electricity, refreshment, medicare, availability of ambulance, deployment of fire tenders and sanitation measures.

The meeting also finalized the arrangements for the celebration of I Day at Panchayat level and hoisting of flags in schools, Panchayats, and other government offices.

The meeting was informed that the main function will be held at SK Stadium Bandipora, where the chief guest would unfurl the National Flag, followed by inspection of the parade. It was decided that the march-past will be presented by contingents of JKP, CRPF, Fire and Emergency, School children etc and a colorful cultural programme will also be held.

The DC also directed Flag Hoisting at block and Panchayat level by BDCs, Panchs, and Sarpanchs.

During the meeting, the DC emphasized upon all the officers for smooth and successful conduct of I-Day celebrations.

He directed the health department to deploy Medical teams along with ambulance facilities to meet any eventuality. He also directed the concerned departments to ensure proper arrangements related to security, sanitation, seating, barricading, water and power supply, issuance of invitation cards, transportation and illumination of important buildings etc on Independence Day.

Dr Owais also instructed the concerned departments to ensure uninterrupted drinking water and power supplies at the venue on the day of I-Day celebrations. He directed for hoisting of Flag on government buildings and proper illumination of buildings and institutions.

On the occasion, DC directed all the officials and officers to participate in the ongoing campaigns, Meri Maati Mera Desh and Har Ghar Tiranga. He asked officers to click selfies with the National Flag. The DC directed to install Memorial plaques in educational institutions.

Among others, SSP Bandipora, Lakshay Sharma; CO 13RR, District Nodal Officer Coordination, ACR, Heads of various educational institutions, Civil and senior Military Officers besides PHE, Health and officers of concerned departments were present in the meeting. SDM Gurez and SDM Sumbal attended the meeting via virtual meeting.