ACB organizes Awareness program on International Anti-Corruption Day at Mini Secretariat Ganderbal

GANDERBAL, December 09:  In view of the International Anti-Corruption Day being celebrated on December 09, Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB), Srinagar today organized Workshop here at Conference Hall of Mini Secretariat Ganderbal

Additional Deputy Commissioner, Gulzar Ahmad and officers and officials of different Departments participated in the workshop.

In his address during the workshop, the ADC focused on fast disposal of complaints especially related to Revenue, Welfare and other public oriented works.

Chief Prosecuting Officer Srinagar, Ghulam Jeelani and Inspector Muneeb Ul Islam attended the program on behalf of Anti Corruption Bureau Srinagar.

Chief Prosecuting Officer Srinagar in his address spoke in length about healthy work culture and importance of honest and credible officers who play instrumental roles in functioning of various Government departments.

During the workshop, it was highlighted that corruption is an all common phenomenon which knows no boundaries and barriers and all efforts should be made to curb this menace. They highlighted that the institution of Departmental Vigilance officers is a step towards utilizing officers in the field within the concerned department to provide a helping hand to curb corrupt practices.

During the program, the participants were also enlightened about the detailed procedure regarding conducting of Regular Departmental Actions (RDA) besides emphasizing on the importance to conclude RDA in a time bound manner.